Tuesday 17 July 2007


NINJUUUU ZOMBUUUU!!!! This has to been seen to be believed, and even then you'll have doubts. I knew I was in for a treat when I hauled this baby out of a box in KC's house clearance.
It's a terrible mysteries of the east type thing married to some bad zombie action- a traveling Eastern trader brings an ancient curse down upon smalltown USA- the spirit of 'T'cheng Li' possess corpses and compels them into some bad kung-fu. Luckily some tourists happen to be martial arts champs yadda yadda yadda. 70 mins and 400 corpses later there's a wedding. 8/10

TRADER: ohno! i have foolishly broken the easily destructible artifact of honourable T'cheng Li- i most seriously hope the curse rumors are highly exaggerated!
AMERICAN: hey there sunshine- i wanted to buy that doohickey with my credit card!
TRADER: i am sorry most respected consumer, but this accident will prohibit the transaction
AMERICAN: shucks, i was gonna use it as a present for my dead buddie's wife- it his funeral boyhowdy.
TRADER: i am most solly...
door bursts open..
AMERICAN: jees louse! howard! arent you dead?
HOWARD'S NINJA CORPSE: yes, now prepare for the curse of T'cheng Li....HI-YAH!!

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