And here we have Frankenstein Apocolypse! you can tell this was made in mexico.. even the spelling of APOCALYPSE is wrong!!
However this film is actually pretty good all around- tonnes of gore, doomy electronic music and that's not mentioning Tough Cop/Frankenstein slayer RUSH KEMP!!! A very amusing character, quite out of place in this otherwise standard blood n' guts affair. 7/10
PETER: I cant' stop worrying- what are those THINGS out there?
SHELLEY: I know peter, it's horrible... the electricity has been out for days, and I haven't seen anyone else about this hotel either....
PETER: Shut up darling, I think I can hear something..
RUSH: Shut up you two fools! Don't you know we're dealing with FRANKENSTEINS here?
SHELLEY: Frankensteins? Oh shut up! that can't be
PETER: But it is! I see them now! JESUS christ- they're intent on chewing our bones!
RUSH: Then they aint' met Ole' Santy yet... (brandishes large gun)
1 comment:
Superb. I will send you scans of some uber-rarities from my own extensive collection some time soon! ^_^
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