Friday 13 July 2007


It's always nice to see a film that truly pushes the boundaries of cheap.
Axeman.. is a misleading title for the film, as it features no holocaust and barely any axes. An exploitative chunk of rubbish that plays on the well-used theme of war veterans going crazy after being experimented on by the government. Amusingly cast with a troupe of non-actors Axeman.. is heavy on the syrup (we are to blame, man is the real monster) and light on the gore. 5/10

CHAD: Hey c'mon stacey- we're all alone in this fairly luxurious although abandoned house..
STACEY: I know chad, I know.. i just get the feeling that something bad is going to happen..
CHAD: Oh stacey, It's not like a mad axeman is on the rampage!
RADIO: Attention!!! police warn mad axeman on rampage..
STACEY: Jesus christ! we should get out of here chad!.....chad?...chaaaaad?
AXEMAN: rrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!

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