SKELETON TROOPS OF THE SS! so I was trawling through Help the Aged and this just cried out to me (much like the aged might do, if they could raise enough volume to be heard over my Nu Rave mp3's- yeah good luck grandad!) it looks very promising with all the hordes of Nazi undead on the cover, but that shot on the back is the ONLY actual instance of walking corpse. Shot in crappy black and white this features a lot of hanging around in the horrors-of-war settings, and only scant whiff of evil hordes. Rubbish 3/10
HANK: i dont; know about you brits, but i can't wait to kick jerry's sorry ass to kingdom come!
JAQUES: hoh hoh hoh 'ank- you gungo 'o yankies..
HANK: screw you frenchie! (looks around desolate trench barrack) what about you edgybob?
EDGYBOB: shutttttup shuttup shtuup stupid american...they'll hear you! THEY'LL HEAR YOU!
HANK: nah, there's nothing alive out there tonight
JAQUES: zis is zee problem! is zee "dreade bavarian battalion!"